Vlocity Facts #19| How to create records for specific recordtype by using DataRaptor or Query function in formula tab

In last Post i have discussed about - How to Fetch RecordType id, DeveloperName by using DataRaptor or Query function in formula tab 

Now I will discuss. - How to create a record for specific recordtype into the object.

There are two ways to create a record for specific recordtype by using DataRapotr Load.

1. We can write query on recordtype by using formula tab in DataRaptor.

For example, In the below screenshot by using Query function I'm getting recordtype id from formula result path we can use that while mapping in the fields tab. [INPUT JSON PATH -> DOMAIN OBJECT FIELD]

2. By using Lookup check box in fields tab.
  a. Select recordtypeid from output data type. 
 b.  In the field mapping, Check "Is Lookup" to enable lookup in field mapping. 
 c. Select the object to lookup. 
 d. Select the lookup field. The lookup record will be matched against this field.
e. Select Lookup requested field.

When this dataraptor runs, the "Lookup Requested Field" will be populated for "Domain 
Object Field".


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