Vlocity Facts #16 | Email Action
Email Action:
The OmniScript Email Action uses the Salesforce Email API to either send an email template to the email address of a User, Lead, or Contact or to send an email body defined in the action configuration to any email address.
The Use Template checkbox determines whether using an email template or a defined email body.
If the Use Template checkbox is checked, the email will send a template to a user, lead, or contact.
- Select Email Template: The ID of the email template that should be used.
- Email Target Object ID: The object ID of the Contact, Lead, or User the email should be sent to.
- What Id: If you specify a contact for the targetObjectId field, a What Id can be used to further ensure that merge fields in the template contain the correct data.
- Save as Activity: If this option is checked, the email is saved as an activity record on the recipient’s page in Salesforce.
- Org Wide Email Address: Allows the email to be sent by an Salesforce organization-wide email address. For more information on organization-wide email addresses.
- Content Versions: Accepts the ID of a ContentDocument that is sent as an attachment with the Email Action.
If Use Template checkbox is unchecked, an email body defined in the action configuration can be sent to any email address.
- TO: — An array of email addresses or object IDs of the contacts, leads, or users you’re sending the email to. The maximum number of toAddresses is 100.
- CC: — An array of carbon copy (CC) addresses or object IDs of the contacts, leads, and users you’re sending the email to. The maximum number of ccAddresses is 25.
- BCC: — An array of blind carbon copy (BCC) addresses or object IDs of the contacts, leads, and users you’re sending the email to. The maximum number of bccAddresses is 25.
- Email Subject — The subject of the email.
- Email Body — The body of the email.
- Set HTML Body — Determines if the Email Body should be read as plain text or HTML.
- Attachment List — Supports attachment IDs merged from Data JSON. For example, %DocGenId%. When the email is sent, the attachment will be added to the email.
Use DataRaptor Extract for extracting the content version id which need to pass in email action for sending document via Email.
- To Email Address [we can give upto 10 emails by separating with comma,
- CC Email Address
- BCC Email Address
- Email Subject
- Email Body
- Org Wide Email Address
- Content Version -- [ If you need to send document by attaching to the email you can use this property by passing the recordId of the document -- you can get this Id from Content Version which is the child object of ContentDocumentLink.]
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