Vlocity Facts #10 | Multi-Language OmniScript - Custom labels

Multi-Language OmniScript
Multi - Language OmniScript allows you users to translate solutions and solution categories into the languages supported by Salesforce so that customers and support reps can find answers to inquiries in their preferred language.

How to Enable multi-language
Enable multi-language OmniScript support by modifying the Vlocity OmniScript object in Salesforce's Setup.

  • From Salesforce's Setup, Object manager, check for Vlocity OmniScript object and edit the Language picklist by add "Multi-Languageto the list from Fields and Relationships section.

Now While you are creating new omniScript you can choose language as Multi-Language or you can edit the language of existing omniScript by choosing on omniScript.

How to Avoid Error while using Custom Label in Mutli-Language Omniscript
  1. If you are converting an OmniScript from single- to multi-language, specify valid custom label names or clear all translatable properties. If there is literal text in the property and no custom label exists, a Missing label error is displayed when you attempt to preview the script.
  2. Custom labels must have values. If the value for a custom label does not exist, the following error message displays when previewing an OmniScript
    Error: Field $Label.<stepName> does not exist. Check spelling --- By choosing Edit beside language drop-down you can provide the value or clear the custom label.
Custom labels allow developers to create multilingual applications by automatically displaying information (such as help text or error messages) in the user's native language. OmniScript, Apex classes, Visualforce pages, Lightning pages, and Lightning components can all access custom labels.

How to Create Custom Labels
Enter Custom Labels in the Quick Find box in Setup, then select Custom Labels. Click New Custom Label to make a label. 

  • Provide the required values for custom label like Name, Value, Short Description.
How to Use Custom labels in Omniscript
Custom labels are supported in only multi-language enabled omniscript.
  • Drag and down the elements in Element Name mention the value according to your requirement in Field Name mention the custom label name what you have created for that element. Instead of providing the Field Name directly we can use Custom label Name.
Like this I have created 5 Custom Labels and used in Omniscript. After click on preview to check the labels.

Deploy multi-language OmniScripts to other orgs using DataPacks. DataPacks do not include custom labels. You must deploy custom labels manually from your org.

  • For more Details about DataRaptors and Types check this link DataRaptors
  • For OmniScripts elements refer this link OmniScript Elements -1
  • How to launch Omniscript in difference ways Launch Omniscript
  • Best Practices of OmniScript, Integration Procedure, Data Raptors

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