Vlocity Facts #06 | Security for DataRaptors and Integration Procedures

What is Required Permission:
While creating DataRaptors and Integration Procedures we can see this Required Permission (optional). Who gets runtime access is determined by this variable. Roles, profiles, permission sets, custom permissions, or any combination of these can be specified. Unless the DefaultRequiredPermission attribute is set, any user can perform the DataRaptor or Integration Procedure if Required Permission is left blank.

How to use Required Permission (optional) ?
For example: If their is a requirement where only particular sets of users or particular roles need to run the Integration Procedure or DataRaptor then we can use Required Permission. For using this first we need to create a Permission set.

To create a Permission set with DataRaptor, Integration Procedure Permissions we need to follow these steps.

Step 1: Create a Permission set 
Step 2: After Creating --> Navigate to System Permission 
Step 3: Then Navigate to  "Enables admin/developer to create new OS/DR/VIP instances" and make the check box true.
Step 4: Save the Permission set.

Now while creating DataRaptors or Integration Procedures in Required Permission (optional) mention the name of newly created permission set.

Syntax of the Required Permission property is: 
            prefix:name,prefix:name, ...

The prefix can be Role, Profile, PermSet, or CustomPerm. The name is the name of a role, profile, permission set or permission set group, or custom permission. For example, here’s a Required Permission value that includes two roles and one permission set group

We can define list of Profiles or Permission or Roles like this 
                Role:Administrator,Role:Developer,PermSet:OmniStudio Admin Group

Refer below screen shots: 

With out Permission if execute data raptor i will get output in Preview.

After assigning the permission set in Required Permission (optional). If we try to execute the DataRaptor we will get error.

For more Details about DataRaptors and Types check this link DataRaptors


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