
Showing posts from May, 2022

Vlocity Facts #06 | Security for DataRaptors and Integration Procedures

What is Required Permission: While creating DataRaptors and Integration Procedures we can see this Required Permission (optional). Who gets runtime access is determined by this variable. Roles, profiles, permission sets, custom permissions, or any combination of these can be specified. Unless the DefaultRequiredPermission attribute is set, any user can perform the DataRaptor or Integration Procedure if Required Permission is left blank. How to use Required Permission (optional) ? For example: If their is a requirement where only particular sets of users or particular roles need to run the Integration Procedure or DataRaptor then we can use Required Permission. For using this first we need to create a Permission set. To create a Permission set with DataRaptor, Integration Procedure Permissions we need to follow these steps. Step 1: Create a Permission set  Step 2: After Creating --> Navigate to System Permission  Step 3: Then Navigate to  "Enables admin/developer to c...

Vlocity Facts #05 | OmniStudio - DataRaptor Transform

  DataRaptor Transform Overview Without reading or writing to Salesforce, DataRaptor Transforms allow you to conduct intermediate data transformations. We can use formulas to modify the data according to the requirement.  Create a DataRaptor Transform For Creating a DataRaptor Transform you need to mention Interface Type, Input Type, Output Type, Required Permission (optional), Description (optional)   Interface should be Transform Input Type should be either JSON, XML, Custom. Output Type should be JSON, XML, PDF, DOCSIGN, Document Template, Custom. Configure a DataRaptor Transform In DataRaptor Transform we are having 4 tabs [ Formula, Transform, Options, Preview]. In Transform we are not having tabs like Extract or Objects. Formula Tab  - We can use formula tab for the following scenarios.        Scenarios Scenario 1: To combine 2 fields and load the data into particular field. Scenario 2: To Calculate the sum of child records and upd...

Vlocity Facts #04 | OmniStudio - DataRaptor Extract

DataRaptor Extract Overview DataRaptor Extract, is used to   pull the data from Salesforce , reads Salesforce data and returns results in JSON, XML, or custom formats via complex field mappings. You can filter the data and select the fields to return. U se DataRaptor Extracts to provide OmniScripts and FlexCards with any internal Salesforce data they need to display. Create a DataRaptor Extract For Creating a DataRaptor Extract you need to mention Interface Type, Input Type, Output Type, Required Permission (optional), Description (optional)   Interface should be Extract Input Type should be either JSON, XML, Custom. Output Type should be JSON, XML, Custom. Configure a DataRaptor Extract In DataRaptor Extract we are having 5 tabs [ Extract, Formula, Output, Options, Preview] Extract  - It is used to select the SObjects for which you need to Extract the data. By clicking Add Extract Step you can select the source object from the drop-down list. Extract Output Path - T...

Vlocity Facts #03 | OmniStudio - DataRaptor Post

DataRaptor Post Action Overview DataRaptor Loads convert JSON or XML or Custom data as a input into Salesforce objects. A DataRaptor Load refreshes records with updated data while simultaneously creating new records. Create a DataRaptor load For Creating a DataRaptor Load you need to mention Interface Type, Batch Size(optional), Input Type, Output Type, Required Permission (optional), Description (optional)   Interface should be Load Input Type should be either Json for omniscript or XML or Custom Output Type should be Sobject. Batch Size (optional) it is used to mention the number of records processed per batch transaction (1-2000).   Configure a DataRaptor Post  In DataRaptor Post we are having 5 tabs [ Objects, Formula, Fields, Options, Preview] Objects - It is used to select the SObjects for which you need to create or update the records Data can be propagated straight from one object to another related Object item when loading data into a succession of obje...

Vlocity Facts #02 | OmniStudio - Turbo DataRaptor

DataRaptor Turbo Extract Overview A DataRaptor Turbo Extract retrieves data from a single Salesforce object type, with support for fields from related objects. You can filter the data and select the fields to return. Unlike a standard DataRaptor Extract, a DataRaptor Turbo Extract doesn't support formulas. There’s no Output tab, so you can't use mappings to structure the output. Custom JSON, default values, and translations aren't supported. A DataRaptor Turbo Extract has two advantages over a standard DataRaptor Extract: Simpler configuration Better performance at runtime Scenario for DataRaptor Turbo Extract: ABC Company Service Center Employees need to access the case details and associated contact details of the case and update the case details from OmniScript. For this requirement we need to build 2 Integration Procedures, 2 DataRaptors and 1 OmniScript. DataRaptor Turbo Extract : To get the data of the case and associated contact details. DataRaptor Load : To Update t...

Vlocity Facts #01 | OmniStudio DataRaptors

DataRaptor is a mapping tool that  you can use to read, transform, and write Salesforce data. For Example. In each interaction with a digital customer  or business process, the system needs to extract the data in order to display it. If the user modifies this data or enters new data, they also need to be saved. This is where we use OmniStudio DataRaptors.  Where to use DataRaptors? Retrieving Data:   OmniScript calls  DataRaptor Extract (via the integration procedure) to read the data from Salesforce. For example, OmniScript editing an account should display data such as account name, phone number, website, and so on. Manipulating data: OmniScript captures modified and new data based on user input. For example, an agent changes the  phone number of an account. Save Data:   OmniScript calls DataRaptor Load (via the integration procedure) to write the data back to Salesforce. For example, the updated account phone number is saved back to the Account rec...