Vlocity Facts #20| Calling an Integration Procedure, DataRaptor from Apex
We can call Integration Procedure from Apex Code Snippet: String procedureName = 'Type_SubType'; Map <String, Object> ipInput = new Map <String, Object> (); Map <String, Object> ipOutput = new Map <String, Object> (); Map <String, Object> ipOptions = new Map <String, Object> (); /* Populating input map for an Integration Procedure. Follow whatever structure your VIP expects */ String orderId = '80100000000abcd'; ipInput.put('orderId', orderId); /* Call the IP via runIntegrationService, and save the output to ipOutput */ ipOutput = (Map <String, Object>) vlocity_cmt.IntegrationProcedureService.runIntegrationService(procedureName, ipInput, ipOptions); System.debug('IP Output: ' + ipOutput); Example: Public class CallAccountContactDetails { Public ...