Vlocity Facts #15 | Radio and Radio Group Elements

Radio Element: 
Radio buttons let a user select one of a limited number of options. Options are displayed in a vertical list.
Radio Properties:

  • Name: The Unique Identifier of the element.
  • Field Label: The Name visible on the UI.
  • Required: Specifies whether it is required or not to proceed further. 
  • Read Only: Specifies user can modify the value or not.
  • Display Mode: How to display the values in the UI. [Vertical, Horizontal, Image, Button Group]
  • Option Source: whether the list of options come from. 
    Manual: Developer need to mention the values for the element.
    Sobject: Retrieves picklist values from the Salesforce Object and fields.
    Custom: Mention the Class name and Method name.
  • Options: To give the value and label options to choose from the UI if option source is Manual.
  • Source: Allows us to choose Class name and method name or Sobject and Field name if option source is Custom or SObject.
For Sobject in source you can mention like this: 
Syntax: Sobject.fieldname [Case.Status]

For Custom in source you can mention like this:
Syntax: Class.methodname 

Note: Auto Advance check box is used to advance the user to next step when they click the option.
Radio Group Element:
OmniScript's Radio Group enables you to create and display questions in a questionnaire format.

For Example :  When you need to take the feed back from the user or you need to give the different type of options and based on that you need to proceed to further steps you can use Radio Group element.
Radio Group Properties: Name, Field Label, Required, Read Only these are same as the Radio Element.
  • Radio Group Questions : Add questions into the Label field and enter Values to store the user's response. The Labels represent the questions that display to the left of the selectable options.
  • Radio Labels Width: Changing the Width of Radio Group Labels changes the width of the Options Labels.
  • Options: Where you can Add the answers for the questions.

    Using a value from a Radio Group as a conditional in another element requires adding the Radio Group's element name as the parent node.

     Syntax: ParentNode:ChildNode


  1. How to set radio button values dynamically?
    I am fetching case record type values using extract data raptor. I wanted to populate that response in radio button in omniscript. How can I achieve this?


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