Vlocity Facts #45 || Pop-Up Screen and Navigating to the Next Step in Omniscript by using LWC
Consider one scenario where we need to show confirmation screen when user proceeding to next steps after updating details. To achieve this, you'll need to use a custom button: when a user clicks it, a pop-up screen will appear, which can be implemented using LWC. Create LWC component 1. HTML code 2. JS code import { LightningElement , track } from 'lwc' ; import { OmniscriptBaseMixin } from "omnistudio/omniscriptBaseMixin" ; export default class ConfirmationScreenLWC extends OmniscriptBaseMixin ( LightningElement ) { @ track isOpen = false ; handleShowPopUp() { this .isOpen = true ; } handleOk() { this .omniNextStep(); } handleClose() { this .isOpen = false ; } } Enable a custom Lightning web component to interact with OmniScript by extending the OmniScriptBaseMixin component. The OmniScriptBaseMixin include...