
Showing posts from June, 2023

Vlocity Facts #24| Calling an Integration Procedure from Salesforce Flows

 We can call Integration Procedure from Salesforce Flows we can use Integration procedure[IP] for complex requirements like for call outs, record creation or deletion, looping between records and performing Aggregative functions with out using Apex.  Either we can use Apex class to call IP or In Flexcards, Omniscripts. But we can't call IP when ever any event happens on record to handle this we can use salesforce flows [record trigger flow or screen flow] to call Integration procedure. Scenario: When amount >= 1000 we need to execute some set of steps like callouts or updating related records by using record trigger flow we can trigger IP. 1. Apex Class:   global with sharing class IntegrationProcedureInvocable { @InvocableMethod(label = 'Integration Procedure') global static List < IntegrationProcedureOutput > runIntegrationServiceInvocable(List < IntegrationProcedureInput > input) { System.debug(LoggingLevel.Error, JSON.serialize(input)); IntegrationProce...